Ordering from your Gallery.

I use Shootproof as my digital gallery platform. I love it!

It’s that time of year… Your gallery is coming to a close. Your senior photo gallery expires on May 31. By now you have gone though and made all of your favorite selections, you may have even ordered a few things to get an idea of my print quality as well.

With in each of my Shootproof Galleries is the power to order all of the print products I provide though my printer Miller’s Professional Imaging. I do print editing on each file you choose to order: so that the products you hold in your hands or hang on your walls look amazing. Printing though me ensures the quality of the items you pick will strongly represent me as an artist. You will see a huge difference in the prints from Millers versus supermarket photos you have printed with your digital images.

Here are 3 videos that you can watch to learn how to order from your gallery.

I believe the best way to view your finished images is from your computer. You will see the coloration, detail and have the most ease of ordering best from a computer screen.

…a side note of grace please… I am not a videographer, these videos were made for educational purposes not entertainment. I thrive in the world of stills, reels aren’t my forte. I also noticed the screen recording is a bit blurred/grainy in some parts of the video, as I add more videos to my channel to educate I am sure the quality will improve. 😌

Ordering a Print Package:

Ordering À la cart:

If you prefer to use you mobile device to order from your gallery, I have included a video tutorial on that as well:

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL5RZh6Yq6ZZaYA7OG77q-Q

I can’t wait to see what you order!

Heidi Iliff

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