
Let’s plan out a senior session as amazing and unique are you are!!

I had so much fun with this vivacious, creative sweet girl. For her session she had so many great ideas. She knew what she wanted, and she knew what she didn’t want. She was always open to trying new poses and had plenty of her own spots in mind when we got to our 4 basic locations.

I shoot a lot of boys. I will be blogging about some of their sessions soon: and some of them are just as creative as this girls. I think that no matter the gender there are those who love to be creative and are willing to try fun things they “aren’t sure will work” and then there are those who just prefer to get “get their session over with.” Sophia was the former 100%!

I was surprised by some kids who would have loved all the choices that a full session offers: but only signed up for a one hour “Short Session”. If you have the time this summer: I fully encourage a full Senior Session for 4 major reasons! Space is VERY limited in the Fall, and we all get SO busy with sports and school that the Summer is the perfect time to shoot full Senior sessions!

Here’s why you wanna book a FULL SENIOR SESSION:

  1. You can change your clothing & shoes.. and hair or add props and hats and dogs… With the time there is during a full session!
  2. You don’t have to worry about “getting conformable” and feeling relaxed.. making sure your smile is “good” etc. We will become pals over the course of the session time: and You will love the authenticity & relaxed expressions that I’m able to capture when we have a little more time to become comfortable with each other during the longer session. Most of my past client’s love the photos taken near the end of their 3 hours block the most!
  4. You get ALL of your digital photos! (in “shorts” you BUY the photos you want..) That’s right, your one time photo shoot price covers your digitals… There is a bit of fine print about the printing size of those digitals: but if your not wanting to blow up photos for a wall or frame, they are large enough to put into a scrapbook for your memories.
BONUS: YOU can pick to have a “Night Segment!”

Night time during a senior photo shoot is an amazing opportunity that most photographers don’t offer, OR charge an extra fee for. BUT I personally love it: and want everyone to have a segment of their session where we can shoot creatively at night!

When you fill out your session survey (required by your parent & student- to fill out themselves…) Make sure you mention if you would like after dark photos!

I’m so excited about this up coming senior season.. Sophia & Class of 2023 YOU GUYS ROCKED my world, and I can’t wait to see where the class of 2024 takes me!

Wanna Have a Session Like Sophia’s But with your own personal places and style??

Sophia Picked two local Sewickley locations, as well as RandyLand and The Sewickley Village @ Night! From pick up to drop off we we gone from her home for 3 hours and 30 minutes (because of the commuting time..)

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