The Icebergs

I do not see myself as a “sports” photographer. I have always however captured my kids on the fields and at their meets so that I have a lot of photo memories of them. I strongly believe that I want to have a photography record of my kids growing up and having their teams documented for me is part of that.

My son Nathan has a lot of challenges when it comes to “taking instruction”. As some of you know he has Autism.

One of his struggles is catching multiple steps of instruction.

He often may present as rebellious but actually catching, processing and following though with an action are difficult for him because he has a major working memory delay. When you mix this with a very literal thinking disposition, and mix in a tad of defiance you can see how playing on a sports team would be something that before the Icebergs would present major challenges for Nathan.

Nathan loves Hockey. His daddy used to play ice and deck hockey and has passed his love down to his kids. Nathan knows a lot about the Penguins: his favorite team. I never thought there would ever be a way for Nathan to be able to actually play hockey.

Living in such an amazing hockey town: I was so excited to have the Steel City Iceberg’s Special Hockey Team recommended to me by Nathan’s Behavioral Consultant. We actually were told we should check it out in 2020. When I applied Nathan for the team they had ice time limits because of covid so he was not able to join the team until the 2021 season.

What an amazing group of kids and adults! You guys, I can’t tell you how blessed I have felt to find this team. These parent’s are becoming a little tribe of people who truly understand my kiddo, and our struggles.

As the season comes to a close with some amazing traveling tournaments, I am feeling blessed to be included in such a wonderful organization with my son. Next year we plan on joining some of these travel games so Nathan can get some more bonding time with the other kids on the team.

I will miss Wednesday nights. Here are some of my favorite photos I was able to capture of the players during a practice and scrimmage back in the fall. I can’t wait to have more opportunities to document these kids in the future!

If you would like more information about this co-ed (completely free, donation funded, volunteer run) for kids of all ages: check out their page here: Steel City Icebergs Special Hockey

Thank you so much for the major sponsors who make this great program possible:

Cheers, and Happy Autism Awareness Month!


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